
Using Sweet Alert as confirm in Ruby on Rails 6

I think everyone in the web development process was faced with the need to add a confirm dialog when performing some operation on the site. In this article, I want to write how to add and make an attractive confirm dialog in your Rails apps.

In Ruby on Rails, we have a confirm dialog out of the box, it's a very useful feature because you have the opportunity to easily and quickly create confirmation for some action in your site. In default Rails used for this standard JavaScript confirm (you can read about it in the documentation if you doesn't know it)

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Rails: Webpack compile once for parallel tests

When we use gem parallel_tests our application in test environment used, for example, 8 parallel processes. But webpacker compiling the same files at the same time in each process. This is bad and can lead to unexpected errors.

Also when assets did not change, we do not want to spend time compiling them.

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Setup Ruby on Rails with Nginx + Passenger on Ubuntu 16.04

In current article I explain how to setup Ruby on Rails application on Ubuntu 16.04 server via Nginx and Passenger. And how to setup deploy via Capistrano.

  1. Create deploy user
  2. Install RVM and Ruby
  3. Install Passenger packages
  4. Enable the Passenger Nginx module
  5. Setup Nginx server
  6. Install PostgreSQL
  7. Setup deploy with Capistrano